Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Cherish each day

Ever since yesterday I have done a lot of contemplating. I found out that an old friend's parents were in a truck with 4 other people traveling in a remote area of southern California on their way back to Beaver, Utah from Mexico. They were hit by a semi truck that was traveling about 50 miles per hour and carrying 40,000 pounds of cargo. It killed my friend's mom and 2 other people, a married couple, and seriously injured the other three. I was once very close to these people, I dated their son for 4 years, and it has really made me stop and think about how fragile life is. We just never know if today might be the last one we get to share with someone we love, and I think we tend to take each other for granted. If there can ever be any good come out of a tragedy like this I hope that it is the lesson that we need to cherish every day we have on earth.


Lindsey said...

This is so true after Emily's accident our family came to realize how precious life is!


We heard about the accident too. Some of my husband's relatives (the couple that didn't make it) were involved and it is crazy how fast life can change and those people are gone. I didn't know it was the parents of your old boyfirend - that's too bad.

Ashlee said...

So very true. Thanks for the reminder.