Tuesday, March 10, 2009

7 Months!!

Hudson turned 7 months old on Sunday. I can't believe he's now closer to being a year old than he is to being a newborn. Every stage that comes I say, "This is my favorite age so far." It is just so fun to watch him explore, learn, and grow. We love you so much Little Man! You're the best boy, and an absolute joy to have in our home!

Some of Hudson's favorite things are...

Bathtime...He has loved bathtime ever since his umbilical cord fell off.

Pear Juice in a bottle, he does NOT love his sippy cup

Playing with the spoon after he's done eating


Rolling... He doesn't crawl, but he will roll from one side of the room to the other

Sitting in his swing watching Baby Einstein


His mommy, he likes other people, but his mommy is his favorite

Car rides


Being talked to

Hudson wanted to play with Sadie he rolled underneath the coffee table and hung out for a while!


Chad and Brittany said...

Oh he is so cute! I miss you guys. It has been far to long since I have seen your face. We should get together soon!!!

Jason and Tawni said...

Congrats little man, I am excited to see your 7 month-ness on Friday at the park. You are too cute!